A better question to ask is how did the Philippines end up like this in the first place there are a lot of reasons but as far as my opinion goes things that made the Philippines the way it is now. Almost each of us has a vision for our poor country. But the problem is most of the time it just remain a mere vision. So the question is would it just remain our vision or it’s going to be the future of this country? The main problems found in the Philippines are economic crisis, graft and corruption in the government, poor kind of education on most part of the country, low rate of employment, undeveloped natural resources, lots of misunderstanding between the government and the people, terrorism, the negative traits of the Filipinos such as crab mentality, being indolent, fatalistic and the likes, injustice when it comes to “the poor and the rich” kind of situation, and no unity among the people in the community.
So before anybody just blames a certain lot of people like the “squatters, bums and low lives” of the Philippines think hard and give it a thought on how they ended up that way. The Philippines should stop corruption and clean up the government. Even though it is near impossible to go anywhere in Manila without seeing it has a lot street children and beggars on the way, some wealthier pinoys still do not “see” them. There is no serious acknowledgement of the severity of the problem. Hundreds of squatters mostly the elderly and young kids die every day. “You can’t fix what you can’t see” If you’ll ask me what my vision of a better Philippines is, I’ll simply answer “the opposite of what I mentioned above”. For me, a better country like what I’m dreaming now for the Philippines is a place where each people living in it don’t cause a problem for the others, because if that is so the main problems in our society will be solved. If the people will help each other, be united, the change and progress in our country is possible. Because if you’ll just dig deep the main root of the problems of our country, we will see that each one is connected. Its main source is the people itself. We’re the cause and we should be the solution. Some Filipinos lack respect to Mother Nature by mercilessly cutting trees, blatantly dumping their trash to the river and not taking good care of the surroundings.
I think discipline is the magic word towards the solution to all our ills and problems. Sadly, we don’t have the national discipline to make things happen for us. I believe that once discipline has been instilled in the hearts and minds of individual citizens, then collective discipline is achieved. This in turn leads to better citizenry, better government, better economy, ultimately, better Philippines…...